Hello lovely friends! Today is my 26th Birthday and I could not be more excited! I am going to have dinner tonight with the people I love the most. I can't wait!! I've said this before but I joined the blogging world because I wanted to build community and share life with others. So today I wanted to share with you 26 things about me you may not know in honor of my 26th birthday! Lets get to know each other better!
1. When I came home from the hospital my parents brought me home in a Christmas stocking that I still have to this day! (I think this is why I love Christmas so much!)
2. There is nothing better to me then a journal and a good pen.
3. My relationship with Christ is the most important thing. I am saved only by his grace. And the thought that He loves me so much that He would send His son to die for me is something I am eternally grateful for. I am not perfect but I strive to live like He did everyday.
4. My favorite color is
Hot Pink!
5. I firmly believe I was born on the wrong side of the Mason/Dixon line. Big hair, sweet tea, front porches, monograms... YES PLEASE! I have lived in the mid west my whole life but would love to live in the south one day.
6. My grandma is one of my very best friends. I tell her everything and she has taught how to be gracious, kind, selfless, how to make the BEST banana bread, and to never underestimate the power of prayer. Even though I am 26 we still have sleepovers and I wouldn't change it for the world.
seriously how cute is my grandma!
7. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir when I say Target is my happy place. Sometimes if I am having a bad day I will just go there to walk around with my Starbucks. I don't have to buy anything it just makes me happy.
8. Greys Anatomy is my favorite TV show of all time. Especially the early season. I watch it almost every night before I go to bed I start with season 1 go through all of the season and then start back at season 1 again. Its a never ending cycle that I happen to love! ( Side note, sometimes I change it up and throw a few Friends episodes in there!)
9. I struggle with anxiety sometimes, this is something I am very self cautious about. It is something that I work on daily because I know that God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind.
10. I cannot do anything without my day planner, I know most people use their phone calendar but I need to have it written down and color coded if possible! (Hello OCD!)
11. I paint my nails every week, sometimes twice a week.
12. I have a
collection (obsession) with nail polish. Seriously It's a problem.
13. I LOVE Holidays, Christmas is my most favorite but I love them all and use any excuse to decorate, dress up, and celebrate.
14. I have never broken a bone... (Knock on wood!) but I have had stitches twice.
15. I hate change, I know that it is necessary for growth but I still don't like it.
16. I love to collect coffee mugs.
17. My favorite food is Guacamole with tortilla chips. I could eat it everyday and never get sick of it.
18. The best gift I have ever received is my Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. It was given to me by a secret Santa. I still cry sometimes when I walk into my kitchen and see it. I wanted one for years but never thought I would own one. To this day I still don't know who it's from.
19. I love community and being with people. My heart wants to be with people and to show them Gods love.
20. The best concert I have ever been to was Justin Timberlake's Future Sex Love Show back in 2007. It was Ah-Ma-Zing and no other concert has come close.
21. I am TERRIBLE at Math. Like honestly horrible, It doesn't make sense to me at all. And this is not without trying to learn. Thank God for calculators on phones because I would be in so much trouble if I had to figure things out without one.
22. These 2 are my sisters and my very best friends. I would not be the person I am today without them. I love them with all my heart.

23. The only candles I purchase are from Bath and Body Works. They are my absolute favorite. Some of my favorites are Watermelon Lemonade, Thankful, Noel, Winter Candy Apple, and Autumn.
24. I love fresh flowers, any chance I can get to have fresh blooms in m home, office, life I will.
25. I consistently have a list for any and everything. There is always a journal or post it with a list that I am trying to check off and complete.
26. I love love LOVE make up. I am frequent visitor at Ulta and Sephora. Seriously the girls there know me by name. (not sure if I should have admitted that!) One of the reason I love my Birchbox subscription is that I get to try a wide variety of beauty products without having to commit to the full product right away. If you ever have any questions about make up, I am no expert but I bet I have tried it. I would love to answer any questions you might have!
Well there you have it folks, I hope this helps you get to know me a little better. I love this blog and getting to know each and everyone of you so much. Now I am off to have some birthday fun! Talk to you lovely people soon!!