Thursday, March 17, 2016

Confessional Thursday

Good Morning sweet friends, do you know what today is? It's Confessional Thursday!!!! One of my favorite days of the week. I love that I get to confess and share with you! I also love that I get to link up with other fantastic blogs and read what they are confessing. Today we are linking up with Jessica over at The Newly and I couldn't be more excited!

I Confess:

- Daylight savings is kicking my butt this year. My entire sleep schedule is off. Hopefully I can get it back on track this weekend because I am all kinds of groggy.

-I love the fact that warmer weather is upon us. All I want to do is be outside. I want to nap in the sun, eat out on the deck, and go for long walks. I just want to be outside breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the sun.

-I want nothing more than to clear out my closet and start fresh. I am feeling a little tired of my clothes and thinking I may need to clean out my closet and start saving my pennies for a fun shopping trip.

-Speaking of saving my pennies I really really really would love to plan a vacay. I haven't taken a real vacation in the longest time and I think it's really important to take time to relax. I think I will be looking into a few trips to take this year.

-THE BACHELOR FINALLY, Holy cow anyone else having serious anxiety watching. I was totally Team Lauren and I thought he was going to pick her until that episode and then I was TOTALLY confused. I will say that my heart is so happy he picked Lauren and I am really happy Jojo is the next Bachelorette.

-I cannot wait for my sweet sweet nephew to be born, he could officially come anytime now but my sister's due date is April 2nd.

What are you confessing this week? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!
Have the very best Thursday!!


  1. That one hour of time seriously screws me up with daylight savings. I never realized it before (or maybe I just forget a lot haha)
    and as far as the Bachelor, I was also team Lauren all along, but the finale episode made me fall in love with Jojo! Now I'm so excited shes the Bachelorette! Can't wait to watch her!

    1. Hi Jenn,
      I know I couldnt agree more I am loving Jojo after that finally and can't wait to see her as the Bachelorette! Have a the best day! Krista

  2. Ah, a vacay sounds soo amazing! I think they are totally deserving and you should plan a few! I was actually thinking the same thing earlier this week when I saw a commercial for Disney in Hawaii. Ok, maybe that was more for me than my little one, but seriously...Hawaii?! #YesPlease I too was #TeamLauren the entire 2nd 1/2 of the season. And I don't think they could have chosen a better Bachelorette than Jojo! Happy Thursday!
    Kate :: A Little NW Charm
