Thursday, August 10, 2017

Your Story is Unique

Today I want to go a little deeper here on the blog. I want to share something with you that has been a struggle for me, something that has been on my heart. I want to be as honest and transparent as I can be, but know that this is also scary to share. I have written this post a few times but have never been ready to actually share it until now. Today I want to talk about comparison. More so about comparing yourself to others. This is something that  I have struggled with, I see all these people on social media, at my work, church, and I allow the enemy to come in and tell me that my life and who I am isn't good enough. I don't have a perfect life like this girl, my blog isn't as big as this one, I'm not as pretty, as smart, and as brave. I allow these things to come into my mind and take over. 

The other day I was on my Instagram and I came across this. I was taken back  in that moment and had to sit and read it over and over again.  I couldn't help but cry as I sat and read this statement. You see as I compared myself to all those things before I never thought of the people I was comparing myself too. You see I don't know the hurt they might be feeling, I don't know what struggles they are dealing with I just see there pretty pictures and think that they are perfect. 

As I was sitting there in that moment God spoke so clearly to me. My story, the plan He has for me is MINE. Nobody else's, only mine. I was humbled in that moment. His plans for me are far greater then I can ever imagine. I should be concerned with the way He see's me and no one else. By allowing the enemy to come in and tell me that my story and my life are not worthy hurts my Heavenly Father because He created me in His image. You see He doesn't make mistakes, and He will NEVER fail me. Even though my life isn't like those people I compare it too, it's a beautiful life. Full of love, joy, and peace. Please understand my life is NOT perfect. But those imperfections are what make my story mine. And the only person I want to be is the person He created me to be. 

 I still have my struggles. But when I start getting those thoughts of comparison in my head I remember that my life is good. And His plan for me is greater. Know that I am praying for you friend and that if this is something that you are struggling with too, remember that there is a God that loves you and thinks you're worth DYING for.  He is waiting with arms wide open. All you need to do is call on Him. 

I hope you have the BEST day 


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