2016 Goals and Resolutions:
1. Clean and organize one room in my house each month.
- I live a pretty organized as it is (hello OCD) but I want to de-clutter and purge this year.
2. Read more
- I have a list of books that I want to read this year. I love to read but somehow never find the time to and I want to change that!
3. Save more money
- I know that this is typically on every one's list's of things to do but this year I want to start making smarter finical decisions and thinking more about the future.
4. Eat cleaner
- I have been thinking, talking, and going over doing the whole 30 for some time now and I think it's time I do it! I want to see how I feel when I rid my body of the unnecessary toxins.
5. Dive deeper into the word of God more then I ever have before.
- Each off us has purpose and meaning and I know that God has a plan for me. It's time I start to fully live out that plan.
6. Enjoy this year.
- 2015 brought a lot of heartache and tears. I didn't really get to enjoy this year. Yes there were good times but I feel like the toughness outweighed the good. I know that change will always happen but I want more positive change this year and to enjoy this year.
So Goodbye 2015 and Hello 2016 I am excited to see what you bring. What are you goals for the new year? Anything fun planned for your New Years Eve?
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