Monday, October 12, 2015

Your Story Matters

Happy Monday friends! As many of you know this weekend I had the privilege to attend the Thrive Conference with my best friend. It was a great weekend of Jesus, shopping, and girl talk. Friday morning my best friend and I jumped in the car with Starbucks in hand and took off on our road trip. We took our time driving up stopping at the outlet malls for a little retail therapy. We had lunch then jumped back into the car to continue our drive to our hotel and the conference.

The theme for this weekend was "Your Story Matters". We talked about countless women in the bible that are examples of how there story impacted so many, but I think sometimes in this day and age we think that our story is so small and insignificant. That our lives can't possibly change an entire nation like Esther's did. That our choices and our decisions can't waver a decision like Abigail's.


Over the last year my life and many many people's lives around me have been in constant change and chaos. Everything we thought was stable was flipped over and our surroundings shattered. Now I don't know about you but I am NOT a fan of change. Especially when something rocks my world in such a dramatic fashion that everything I've known is gone in an instant. But as I have been in the middle of this I feel God tugging at my heart reminding me that His plan and His purpose will be fulfilled and that even in the midst of uncertainty He is here with me. That this change is allowing Him to show me new gifts that He wants me to use and unveiling more of His perfect plan for me.


When I made the choice to attend this conference I knew it was called "Thrive". What I didn't realize, until closer, that it was about our story and how it matters. I have been journaling my whole life and as I look back at previous entries I can see that my story does matter and that God has already fulfilled some of the desires and dreams of my heart. My prayer over this weekend was that God would continue to pour out His spirit on me and that I would completely humble myself before Him so I can live out the calling He has placed on my life fully.


I don't know any of your stories, but I do want you to know that God sees you and He knows your hurts. He sees your dreams and knows your desires. He has amazing plans for you and your story DOES matter. That one day you will look back and see the purpose and the plan that unfolded. If there is anything I can be praying for you about please know that I would love to storm the gates of heaven for you because you and your story matter.

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