Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday!

Hello there beautiful friends! Here I am on a Tuesday I missed you so much I decided to join a link I have never done before! Today we are linking up with Momfessionals   for Show and Tell Tuesday. This is my first time linking up for Show and Tell Tuesday but I LOVE Music and it has helped shape who I am today so withour further adieu here is my mix tape!


Middle School:
High School:
This album changed my life, It's still one of my very favorites!
Honestly I still listen to A LOT of the same music that I did  when I was younger. I don;t music is made the same way anymore! But I do love to add in a few new artist's
So this is my Mix Tape! What are some albums or songs that would be on yours!
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I love that link up when I've participated in it! This is such a fun topic. I can tell that we grew up in the same time period because some of those songs were my jams!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

    1. Hey Linds! I'm sure we did! This was such a fun link up and topic! Music has helped me get through some tough times!!
